The Men's Health Melbourne Testoerone Replacement Program is co-ordinated by Dr Glenn Duns and overseen By A/Prof Katz. All referrals to this clinic should be directed to Dr Duns.
The testosterone hormone in the human body promotes development of male sexual characteristics such as muscle bulk, bone density, sperm production etc. Some factors such as aging or certain conditions such as hypogonadism (improper functioning of the testicles) can cause the production of low amounts of testosterone in the body.
A decrease in the levels of this hormone may cause sleep disturbance, low libido, erectile dysfunction, fragile bones, fatigue, depression, decreased body hair and impaired growth of sexual organs.
Low testosterone has also been associated with Diabetes and obesity.
Low testosterone is under-diagnosed and it is likely that many men are missing out on the benefits of testosterone supplementation.
If you have some of the above symptoms and you have had blood tests which confirm the low Testosterone on a morning sample (before 10 am), you may be a candidate for Testosterone Replacement Therapy.
Please note that at Men’s Health Melbourne, we do not prescribe testosterone to patients
These patients should see their GP for a referral to an endocrinologist.
Please note that at Men’s Health Melbourne, we do not treat patients who have a normal testosterone level.
There are certain other medical conditions that need to be assessed by your specialist before starting testosterone. Some of these conditions may need to be monitored closely whilst you are taking testosterone but others may in fact preclude testosterone therapy altogether.
Unfortunately, we are unable to help patients from interstate regarding testosterone supplementation. Testosterone therapy needs to be administered and monitored carefully as it can be associated with serious side effects if the appropriate and safe levels are not attained.
It is POSSIBLE to have testosterone after prostate cancer treatment, but @ MHM we uses strict criteria and follow-up for this to be done safely.
There are many different ways of giving testosterone which include:
Each one has its potential benefits and downsides.
Choosing which one is right for you involves a discussion with your specialist.
Not matter what type of testosterone you are prescribed you will need to be monitored for not only the response to the therapy but also any potential side effects that can occur. This will involve seeing your doctor and checking some specific blood tests.