Stress urinary incontinence is the leakage of urine while coughing, laughing or sneezing due to weak bladder muscles, and usually occurs in men due to a prior prostate gland surgery. The condition can be treated with advanced sling procedures, which involve the placement of a sling made of body tissue or synthetic material to support the urethra.
The sling procedure is performed under general anesthesia. An examination of the bladder and urethra is done prior to the surgery. Your surgeon makes an incision between your scrotum and anus and 2 small incisions in the groin region. The sling is inserted through the scrotal incision and placed under the urethra. The ends are brought out through the incisions in the groin to form a hammock. A catheter is placed to help in urination and the incisions are sutured. Like all other surgeries, open advanced sling procedure may be associated with certain side effects:
The open advanced sling procedure is restricted to selected cases only. Your surgeon will discuss your options with you based on your particular medical history.
AdVance Male Sling System is a new era of advanced sling procedure designed to treat urinary incontinence. It is a clinically proven safe and effective procedure. For more information, please visit